Crafts in Ribeirão Preto: Tradition and Local Creativity

Crafts in Ribeirão Preto: Tradition and Local Creativity. Photo:

O artesanato em Ribeirão Preto emerge como uma expressão viva da identidade e da criatividade local. Ribeirão Preto, city ​​located in the heart of the state of São Paulo, is recognized by many as an important economic and cultural hub. Strolling through the city's historic streets and fairs, é possível mergulhar em um mundo encantadorRead more

Last weekend of art with Ziriguidum on X Art Edition Orange and Cosme Velho

A LARGE ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL EXHIBITION AT THE LARGO DO MACHADO, DIAS 23, 24 And 25 OF OCTOBER, The 11 At 9:00 pm. The Art project With Ziriguidum terminates its programming in the days 23, 24 and 25 October (Friday, saturday and sunday), from 11 at 9:00, on the Square Largo do Machado, Catete –Read more

Art with Ziriguidum on X Art Edition Orange and Cosme Velho

A LARGE ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL EXHIBITION AT THE LARGO DO MACHADO, FROM 15 The 25 OF OCTOBER, The 11 At 9:00 pm. A AMAL – Associação de Moradores e Amigos de Laranjeiras e Cosme Velho e Lanoz Premium Events com o apoio da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Angels … Read more
