Bianca Boeckel Gallery presents exhibition uniting art, carnival and virtual reality

Art and Carnival from the streets to the art gallery Inspired by recent trends in international contemporary art, the gallery owner Bianca Boeckel launches exhibition that unites art and virtual reality. To give the Brazilian spice, the show's theme is our warmest scene – the Carnival. A exposição coletiva “Chama o bloco” com aberturaRead more

Bianca Boeckel Gallery exhibits new work Camila Alvite

“One Minute Before "features 15 paintings that reflect a new focus in the production of the artist, which happens to be a protagonist in portraits and self-portraits representing different characters Bianca Boeckel Gallery displays "One Minute Before“, da artista visual paulistana Camila Alvite, curated by Bianca Boeckel. In his second solo show at gallery, the artist … Read more

Bianca Boeckel Gallery displays individual Gabi Gelli

“Entretempo” represents the artist's search for resignification, in a concept that deals with aesthetics, of the time, of feeling, of the presence and even of overcoming a trauma Bianca Boeckel Galeria exhibits“, individual da artista visual carioca Gabi Gelli, curated by Bianca Boeckel. In his first exhibition in São Paulo, the artist … Read more
