Bookshelf: 7 decorating and organizing tips

Bookshelf: 7 decorating and organizing tips. Tiana's photo.

A well-organized bookcase is an excellent way to decorate a room.. Despite having the objective of organizing, This piece of furniture also serves as part of your decoration.. Thus, para quem acabou de comprar um apartamento ou se mudar, saber como usar a estante para livros para compor um ambiente é umaRead more

rack or panel: which one is best for your room?

rack or panel: which one is best for your room?. Photo: Jean van der Meulen.

Time ago, the support of a television depended only on a shelf or rack, which in turn, supported other objects as well. luckily that changed, and today we have the best for your living room. Ainda há pessoas que acham que a televisão não faz parte da decoração de uma casa. In fact, basta imaginar umaRead more

Find out how to make your business more attractive from the decor

Find out how to make your business more attractive from the decor. Photo: Shattha pilabut no Pexels.

[dropcap]V[/dropcap]you know how to make a good decoration in trade, so that your store is more attractive to the public? It is undeniable that the environment set up for an establishment will make a total difference in the impact it will have on visitors. In General, the more beautiful and cozy the space, longer people … Read more
