Combining aesthetics and functionality: tips for incorporating coatings into decoration

Combining aesthetics and functionality: tips for incorporating coatings into decoration. Freepik image.

with different models, this type of material is on the rise in several house options A house has the personality of the residents who live in it. E as pessoas estão sempre buscando deixar os ambientes mais adequados aos gostos que possuem e às tendências de decoração e design. Quem planeja decorar um imóvel está sempre deRead more

Porcelain: learn how to choose the right finish

Porcelain: learn how to choose the right finish. Freepik image.

Choosing the finish for a house or apartment is quite a challenge., and today there are thousands of options available in the market and of the most varied types, colors, textures and prices. The finish is what will give face to a space, seja o acabamento do piso que fica no chão ou até mesmo das paredesRead more

How to determine the ideal floor for your property under construction?

How to determine the ideal floor for your property under construction?. Photo: Madeira photo created by diana.grytsku -

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]eg in the construction or renovation of a property, determining the ideal floor is an important decision., not just aesthetics, but also on the issue of functionality. Making the right choice at this time can bring a lot of future savings with maintenance. After all, the floor is a fundamental factor to be considered in the composition of the final design of any … Read more

Discover the best types of flooring for your decor

Discover the best types of flooring for your decor. Photo: Pattern photo created by snowing -

[dropcap]And[/dropcap]choosing the best types of flooring is not as simple a task as it seems. after all, you need to take into account the style of the environment, the feeling you want to convey, as well as the quality and strength of the material. Furthermore, the wall coverings collaborate with the maintenance of the property, giving … Read more

Find out how to make your business more attractive from the decor

Find out how to make your business more attractive from the decor. Photo: Shattha pilabut no Pexels.

[dropcap]V[/dropcap]you know how to make a good decoration in trade, so that your store is more attractive to the public? It is undeniable that the environment set up for an establishment will make a total difference in the impact it will have on visitors. In General, the more beautiful and cozy the space, longer people … Read more
