Even closed and not expected to reopen, Rio Art Museum presents two unpublished exhibitions

Casa Carioca - Ione Saldanha, Untitled, No date, Watercolor on paper. Disclosure.

The "group show “Casa Carioca”, with more than 600 items, e a individual “Aline Motta: memory, travel and water” can be visited for free, on specific dates and times. Entries will be made on MAR's website The Museum of Art of Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, presents its main exhibition of the year: … Read more

CAIXA Cultural São Paulo has Ase – Poetics of Empowerment

unprecedented multimedia exhibition brings imagistic content and collections of six african-Bahian associations - Sons of Gandhy, Ile Aiye, Debra, Muzenza, Didá Courtship and Afro - to discuss beauty and struggle for equality. Between the days 12 November and 19 January, CAIXA Cultural São Paulo welcomes Àse – Poetics of Empowerment, … Read more

Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro brings together over 150 works of important Brazilian collections on display

Shows the construction of heritage features reflection on the preservation of heritage in the Cultural box Brazil Rio de Janeiro, from 25 October and 22 th December 2017, exposure to Construction of heritage, featuring more than 150 works among rare documents, paintings and sculptures, montando um panorama de importantesRead more