FCC's museums collections can be consulted on the internet

The Technical Cooperation Agreement signed between the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba and the State Department of Culture for the adhesion of municipal museums to the State Museum System already presents the first results.. Em janeiro terá início o processo de migração dos bancos de dados dos acervos para um novo sistema que possibilitará aRead more

FCC and SEEC firm term of adherence of Curitiba to the State System of Museums

The President of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, Marcos Cordiolli, and the Secretary of State for culture, João Luiz Fiani, signed this Tuesday (6) the technical cooperation agreement for accession of the municipal museums of Curitiba to the State System of Museums of Paraná. The partnership allows the Union of efforts to manage, modernization, difusão e capacitaçãoRead more

Cultural gate receives the attractions of Curitiba comics Biennale

For four days, from 8 to 11 September (Thursday to Sunday), the MuMA, Cultural gate, will host the biennial Curitiba comics. During this period, the space will be home to more than 100 national and international artists, with his sharp eye on the world, have much to contribute to the democratization of … Read more

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba present in the national cultural policy

The President of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, Marcos Cordiolli, participates on Wednesday (2), in Brasília, the 2nd National Meeting of Municipal Managers of Culture. As a National member and former president of the Forum of Culture Secretaries of Capital and Metropolitan Regions, Cordiolli was invited by President forum, Leonidas Oliveira, from Belo Horizonte, para discutirRead more

Cultural heritage protection law of Curitiba will be voted on Tuesday (16)

The City Council vote in first round, This Tuesday (16), the replacement of the Cultural Heritage Protection Law of Curitiba. The Bill comes, among other issues, fiscal instruments that will allow the preservation of property and intangible assets, das penalidades previstas para os casos de não conservação das edificações de valorRead more

Inaugural class and Camerata concert Mark start of 34th music workshop of Curitiba

The opening of the 34th Curitiba music workshop happens Thursday (07), especially for the inaugural class open to the public who happens to 10:30, in the chapel Santa Maria, with the theme "new challenges and paradigms in the management of Musical Institutions in Brazil", and the traditional opening ceremony and concert with Claudio Cruz … Read more

V Conference approves proposals of the Municipal Cultural Plan

After an extensive process of democratic participation and debate with all the segments involved-artistic class, representatives of the communities and public authorities – the V Municipal Cultural Conference ended its work in the late afternoon of Sunday (20) with the approval of a preliminary proposal for the Municipal Plan … Read more

Restoration project of Solar do Barão will receive funding of parliamentary amendment

The project of restoration of the Manor of Baron will receive annual budget resources of the municipality through a collective parliamentary amendment. That's what informed the Councillors Pedro Paulo, Felipe Braga Côrtes and Paulo Salamuni, following a visit carried out on Monday afternoon to this historical building, maintained by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba. The … Read more

The exhibition Traces Curitibanos inaugurates partnership between FCC and Palladium Mall

The Palladium Shopping Curitiba receives, from this Tuesday (15), at 19h, the exhibition Traces Curitibanos. The show, which is playing until 15 October, brings together more than 100 illustration works developed by 79 artists between 2014 and 2015. Participam caricaturistas, cartunistas, illustrators, comic artists, profissionais da animação e ilustradores com atuação no mercadoRead more