Exhibition "Multiplicity" - ABRASCI - Restaurant and Pizzeria Piola-Gardens by Edmundo Cavalcanti

In a very nice evening with lots of good energy, It happened on Monday day 17 September 2018, the beautiful exhibition “Multiplicity”. A partnership of ABRASCI and charming restaurant Piola Gardens, Alameda Lorena, 1765 - Gardens – Sp / SP. Always honoring the arts. The event was attended by artists and their … Read more

Shows “Female universe” by Elisa Monde in PIOLA Gardens

"Female Universe" brings out the fragility and the strength inherent in Women, sensations, feelings, ART need to express with the paradox of our lives. Curated by Art by Elisa Monde who has a solid work in the Visual Arts and currently in the Geometrics series with participation and awards in Art Salons, Casa Cor, … Read more

Shows “Shockwaves” by Sandra Huang in Piola Gardens

Paulista, 52, Sandra Huang is an unconventional artist. It is easy to conclude that, because his work, guided by issues related to his life story, denotes a poetic touching while his entrepreneurial and more rational vein think about the applicability of their work. The techniques that the artist performs as a stylist, illustrator, designer … Read more

"The Art of Maria Isabel Archangelo" in Piola Gardens

Maria Isabel Archangelo Born in Jundiaí, SP in 1978, Maria Isabel Archangelo graduated in fine arts from FAAP which allowed her trials in woodcut, litogravura, etching, screen printing, ceramics, sculpture and drawing, but it's acrylic painting that the artist is focused as an artist and art teacher. The works of this … Read more

Exhibition "Urban Jugglers" Carolina Saidenberg in Piola Gardens

artist paulistana, draws and paints since childhood. Designer and Illustrator, lived in Italy in 2011, where you can study art and fashion design, phase that dramatically influenced their work. Since then it has conducted national and international exhibitions. Urban jugglers and its outgoing beings circus landscapes in urban environments. Your attempt to … Read more

Show "MANDALAS: BALANCE and totality "of Raheem on Piola

In your universe of images highlights the geometric shapes, the strokes straight and curvy lines. During training in Visual Arts, the fascination for Byzantine art and the technique of the mosaic. In the quest for artistic identity, develops the holistic look along with the deepening cultural… Readings, courses and observation of nature return in the form of … Read more

Show "SERIES 20 YEARS "by Elizabeth M Rudge Chakravarty on Piola

ELIZABETH M RUDGE CHAKRAVARTY, Sculptress, Painter and photographer, He served in the area of communication in market research, creation, marketing, Press Office, production and writing for magazines and newspapers. He returned to his studies in 1991, studying history of art at the old school of Arts and crafts, going later to the FAP and the MUB, Museum … Read more

Interior Design Cla. Art culture by Rosangela Vig

The beautiful art can have a theme and get a standard size. Is the artist to explore in depth their creativity and for her transit, with your thinking, by means of shapes and colors. Was this the intention of the art curator Paco de Assis, by proposing one more exhibition. The theme … Read more

Solo Exhibition “Essence of my soul” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti, plastic artist, will be exhibiting their works in her first solo exhibition "Essence of my soul". It happens in the traditional and charming restaurant and pizzeria "Piola-Gardens", located on Alameda Lorena 1765, in São Paulo, between days 06 to 19 July, with opening day 06 July, from 20:00 the 22:00 hrs. Organization … Read more

“Love of art and skateboard” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Show Sk8Art4Life-Skate Art I already commented on my profile on the face, sample of polystyrene spheres, umbrellas and now shapes of skateboards, fantastic, the talents of Brazilian artists, no matter how long the road, or which tribe or class they belong, Art is art. Can make art, on a wall, in a can, in … Read more