Concerto – No fiber Gerzmava Theatro Municipal

Ministry of Citizenship, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy, Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Association of Friends of the Municipal Theater, Great Voices and Petrobras present: For the first time in Rio de Janeiro, soprano Hibla Gerzmava ends the debut season of the series Grandes Vozes, … Read more

Sergio Free launches exhibition "Anthropogenic" in Gallery Alma Street

Plastic artist intends to provoke reflection on the consequences of the acts of large world companies and the scrapping of art São Paulo, November 2019 - Between the days 7 November and 6 de dezembro Sérgio Free ocupa Galeria Alma da Rua na exposição Antrópicos – palavra que nos remete às alterações feitas peloRead more

OPERA FOR CHILDREN – days 5 and 6 November at the Teatro Riachuelo

La Belle Lisse Poire du Prince de Motordu In two unique presentations, no Teatro Riachuelo, days 5 and 6 November! Adaptação da obra "Beauty Smooth Pear Prince of Motordu", the famous author and illustrator "PEF", Pierre Elie Ferrier, a ópera conta a história de como as pessoas podem ser aceitas pela coletividadeRead more

“What young people want is quality of life” by Maria Carolina Rossi

Daily read news and see research on young people, Generation Y and even millennials, seeking in the labor market. Some have even memorized: autonomy, alignment with the company's purpose, incentives, among other actions. Really, I agree with all, but I believe that two little words well define what we really seek: … Read more

Exhibition Pictures of Ema Klabin

Human portraits have always been featured in art, the paint is, sculpture or photography. The exhibition highlights three portraits of the collector 15/12 Curator Paulo Costa Until the day 15 of december, from Wednesday to Sunday, from 14h to 18h, a Casa-Museu Ema Klabin promove a exposição “Retratos de Ema Klabin”, com curadoria do arquiteto PauloRead more

In November, the program of the Educational CCBB - Art & Education celebrates the "National Literacy Day"

In November, the program of the Educational CCBB - Art & Education celebrates the "National Literacy Day" with storytelling, Game languages, workshops for children and their families and courses for teachers. The multiple Ancestral - Drawing Workshop MAHKU presents the collective of artists-researchers Huni Kuin, coming from Acre (BC), … Read more

Ask 'The Tenant', Fabio Takeo, mix Anton Chekhov and research on life in judicial asylums and Brazilian psychiatric hospitals

Show with the Stanislavsky Studio is on display at the Agora Theater to 15 of december, with sessions on Saturdays and Sundays, at 5 pm In dialogue with the struggle of the Anti-asylum Movement, the show “The Tenants”, de Fábio Takeo com o Estúdio Stanislávski, conta a história de almas abandonadas e solitárias que travam uma batalha intensa para viverRead more

Animal exhibition – opening day 21 Nov | Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri SP

Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri Ribeirão Preto and São Paulo ANIMAL Alfredo Volpi, Ana Elisa Egreja, Ana Paula Oliveira, Claudia Jaguaribe, Cristina Channel, Edu Simões, Eleanor cook, Ernesto De Fiori, Gabriela Machado, Guima, Guto Lacaz, Ivan Serpa, Julio Villani, LIUBA, Luiz Paulo Baravelli, Lygia Clark, Marcelo Grassmann, Marianita Luzzatti, Mario Cravo Neto, Milton Dacosta, Niobe Xandó, Paola … Read more

Program to encourage reading of Curitiba in the final national award

The "Curitiba Reads", reading incentive program carried out by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, It is a finalist for the 4th edition of the Reading Pictures Award, promoted by the Pro-Book Institute (SP). The aim of the awards, supported by the National Book Chamber, é valorizar e divulgar iniciativas bem-sucedidas no campo de formação de leitores e do estímulo àRead more

Exhibition and carved FLUIDS - Neil Kerman | Lilian Bomeny

The exhibition curated by Jo Slaviero present 10 acrylic paintings by American artist Neil Kerman and 8 Brazilian sculptures of Lilian Bomeny 12 to 30 in November I Slaviero & Guedes Art Gallery. Neil Keman, artista americano com uma pintura abstrata envolve várias camadas de tintas ressignificando emoções através deRead more
