FGV integrates the script Bienalsur

Work Collection Cartier Foundation can be visited from 17 July The headquarters of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) make your way in the next day 17 July for another edition of BIENALSUR, cultural event best known contemporary art in South America, que apresenta a obra Draw meRead more

Portuguese Language Museum organizes meetings and spoken poetry battles in the 17th edition of Flip

Vai Flip Slam poets from six countries gather, within the main program. But the Slam of the Portuguese language will open mic to the public, in the House of Culture. Museu também apresenta mesa literária com o angolano Kalaf Epalanga O Museu da Língua Portuguesa promove o primeiro slam internacional da Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty – Flip, … Read more

23° edition of TrekCon takes place this Sunday, in Curitiba Memorial

The event offers several attractions related to Star Trek all day The 23 th edition of TrekCon happens next Sunday (7/7), in Curitiba Memorial, from 10:00 to 8:00 pm. Promoted by Curitiba fan club Federation of United Planets, with the support of the Curitiba Gibiteca, a TrekCon oferece atrações diversas em sua programaçãoRead more

Verve Gallery displays individual Guilherme Callegari

Composed by 25 work in different techniques, "NDÚSTRIA" presents the research of the artist about the industry and communication in modern society, in works that explore the graphics and dessignificação symbols and logos The Verve Gallery displays "NDÚSTRIA", do artista visual Guilherme Callegari. Com curadoria de Eduarda Freire e texto crítico de JulianaRead more

agenda in the art world in SEA

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

Under the theme “Fascism ambiguity ", Rio Art Museum opens tomorrow (04/07), at 4:00 pm, the program "Conversations in Meeting Room". The debut debate will be taught by Professor Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, philosophy holder of the University of Södertörn (Sweden). On the same day, Oscar Svanelid, doutorando em História da Arte também daRead more

Traces shows Curitibanos moves FCC spaces

After nearly four months of activities, the show traces Curitibanos ends on Friday (5), mobilizing the spaces of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation with more cultural attractions. On that day there will be book launch, workshop production of analog games and open debate to the public. A terceira edição da mostra Traços Curitibanos apresentou um panorama daRead more

graffiti exhibition in Tiradentes Square runs until the day 6 July

Shows "Digital Grafitarte" occupies the Carioca Design Center with panels created by Juliana boil and Smael Vagner, and invite the visitor to create their own art in an interactive screen These are the last days to know the exhibition "Digital Grafitarte". The exhibition occupies the Carioca Design Center until the day 6 of July and … Read more

“Speak by a thread "

Laura Freitas occupies Candido Portinari Gallery, UERJ. Installation with videos and 1.200 Crochet blended into fragments eggshells suggests organic shapes and soft landscapes. Exhibition runs from 4 from July to 22 August, curated by Fernanda Small. On 4 July, a artista Laura Freitas inaugura a mostraRead more

Collective Center Damaru

Local: Salt Market Data: 30.06.2019 The Collective Center Damaru is the launch of Coexistence Center and Creative Development Damaru. O damaru ou damru é um tambor em forma de disco ou ampulheta usado principalmente na Índia e no Tibete e representa nestas culturas o som da criação do universo e foi a principal inspiraçãoRead more

Exhibition at the Museum of the Republic celebrates 40 Years of Lia trajectory of Rio

Curated by Bené Fonteles, the "Sleep Time" show is on display in 2 from July to 4 August, in Brasília. Artist living in Rio's capital presents new works in Brasilia of his research into the nature of time. celebrating 40 years of Lia River work, o Museu Nacional daRead more
