24 August, the day of the Artist by Fabiano de Abreu

Today is day 24 August, the day of the Artist. Will a poetry: “Being an artist is to have talent, é pintar e bordar até no relento É ser criativo e espontâneo É ser técnico sem ter estudado É ter nascido com um dom dado Ser artista é pintar o original É atuar com a leveza de queRead more

Publisher opens registration for Portuguese and French anthology

Portuguese Language writers anthology. Disclosure.

The ZL's Publisher with open registration for authors who want to participate in the Fourth Edition bilingual, Portuguese to French, the Anthology writers of the Portuguese Language. The registration for interested will be made by e-mail zlcomunicacao8@gmail.com until the day 31 August. Each author can occupy up to three pages and you will be entitled to five copies of the anthology. Apesar daRead more

Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history

National Library of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Barguine.

What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil. That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” … Read more

Book fair in Canada opens registration for writers

I book in Canada. Photo: Disclosure.

More than selling books, the writers seek to take your concept, your art and your way of seeing the world for the universe of readers. Thinking about it, the I book of Canada lies with entries open to Brazilian authors. Organized by ZL Publisher, the event will take place in the days 9 and 10 September … Read more

Felipe Folgosi launches "Communion", your new Graphic Novel

"Communion", HQ with Felipe Folgosi roadmap. Disclosure.

ArtWork, with story of suspense and psychological horror, has release the day 25 July at Livraria Cultura of the National Assembly, in São Paulo at the end of July, arrives at bookstores and newsstands "Communion", HQ with Felipe Folgosi roadmap. Mixing suspense and psychological thiller, the story takes place in Brazil, durante uma corrida deRead more

Fabiano de Abreu: “Goals are life-locomotives” by Vanessa Scarcella

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: David Borges / MF Global Press.

Writer of new generation, the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu about the importance of the goals and says he considers the title as one of the themes of your new book, ' Live Might Not Be So Bad ', from “frasetas” to the context”. “Plan future goals while continuing to live in the present, be happy now creating goals to achieve, … Read more

Children's books show the charm of the beautiful stories

The books covers artist Giselle Vasquez. Disclosure.

Show the charming power of the most beautiful stories, This is the proposal of children's books by the artist Giselle Vasquez. She throws two books simultaneously, "The boy and the Star" and "the blue-haired girl". The works are as fun and do dream, além de formar jovensRead more

For Fabiano de Abreu, the pain of loss eases with fond memories by Vanessa Scarcella

The psychologist Margie Holy Spirit Wagner comments on the author's conclusion In conclusion about feeling “pain of loss” described by the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu, posted in channel your thoughts in the form of sentence on Instagram @escritorfabianodeabreu, We must absorb the good experiences of living with what we lost to this “pain” não seRead more

Penalux Publisher launches work of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist of Literature

Livro Ethan Frome de Edith Wharton. Disclosure.

Penalux publishing promotes a literary rescue to launch the classic novel Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton, with the translation of Chico Lopes. The book, It is told from the perspective of the Narrator, account of the life and tragedy of the character who gives title to the work. Content packed psychologist, a autora conta uma história de amor repletaRead more

Account “Antofalla Test, My Refuge” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

I'm close to the village of Antofalla, in the Andes mountains, in my cabin. It's really cold, the snow doesn't stop falling, breathtaking scenery. The wild donkeys and llamas coexist peacefully in this scenario. The flamingos seeking food in the Lake. Puna is a desert of varied colors, the gold from the sand to snow white, … Read more
