Six years of criticism and its actuality after six decades of brazilian art
From 12 November to 18 th December 2015
Opening for guests: 11 th November of 2015
Gustavo Rebello Arte
Av. Atlantic 1702, Shop 8, Copacabana – Tel: 2548-6163
Monday-Friday, das 12h às 20h
Free Entry

Gustavo Rebello Arte carioca is presenting the exhibition Since Long Before, from 12 November to 18 th December 2015. The show brings together the release of an anthology of texts on art criticism, written by Ferreira Gullar on Sunday supplement of the Jornal do Brazil, from 1956 to 1961, along with an exhibition 24 works, the same period, by artists such as Aluísio Coal, Ivan Serpa, João José Costa, Amilcar de Castro, Lygia Pape, among others.
Result of extensive and careful research carried out in Research and documentation center of the Jornal do Brazil by Renato Rodrigues da Silva and Bruno Melo Monteiro, the anthology of texts on art criticism, written by Ferreira Gullar on Sunday supplement of the Jornal do Brazil, from 1956 to 1961, published by Against The Cover Editor, brings together more than 100 contributions of Gullar for critical reflection about one of the most significant periods of brazilian art of the 20th century.

The set of articles goes beyond the author's engagement in the issues that both consolidated as opposed the concretism and the neoconcretismo over the years 1950. There are not only various reviews of individual and collective exhibitions visited by him, including the Bienal de São Paulo and the Modern Salon, but also important considerations about modern art, the tachisme, the means of art in Brazil and relations between art, Science and technique.
The content of the texts has been carefully extracted from microfilms kept under the guard of the research and documentation center of the Jornal do Brazil. In some cases, However, the available images showed small gaps, that were later filled with research at the National Library and in private collections, allowing the recovery of the original material. Finally, any misprints, a few quotes errors and doubts arising from the typesetting of the originals were remedied by the author. The anthology, therefore, sought to be faithful to what is printed in the increasingly relevant supplement published by the Jornal do Brazil.
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The initiative to arrange for the release of the book an exhibition covering the same period of the texts of Ferreira Gullar, composed of works of private collectors and, especially, the collection of Gustavo Rebello Arte, its main objective is to offer visitors a brief overview of the context of artistic production on which they were written. At its meeting in a single volume, quickly note the concern of the author in both monitor how the questioning of what was done by the artists, mainly in the Rio-Sao Paulo.
Among the works exhibited in the Gallery Gustavo Rebello Arte, stand out amarelobranco (1959), oil on canvas of Coal Aluisio, playing next to the text "brazilian Painting now", published on 26 September 1959; the oil on canvas Idea since long before (1956/1995), from João José Costa, theme of book cover, and a sculpture of Amilcar de Castro, from 1959, and a set of six woodcuts of Lygia Pape, both belonging, first, the Mário Pedrosa.
The collaboration between the Back Cover and the Gustavo Rebello Arte offers to the public, therefore, the possibility of, on a trip to Copacabana, resume a thread which is weaving for six decades in brazilian art.
Service |
Exhibition: Since Long Before |
Opening for guests: 11 November, the 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm |
Period: 12 November until 18 of december |
From Monday to Friday, das 12h às 20h. |
Gustavo Rebello Arte |
Av. Atlantic 1702, Shop 8 |
22021-001 – Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro |
(21) 2548-6163 |
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Exhibition: SINCE LONG BEFORE #exposição #arte #artesvisuais #artesplásticas
Gustavo Rebello Arte is presenting carioca exposure Since long before, from 12 November to 18 from…
Gustavo Rebello Arte is presenting carioca exposure Since long before, from 12 November to 18 from…