Virtual meetings with the curators of the Ivan Serpa exhibition: the expression of concrete set in CCBB-SP until the day 02 August!

Kiss, 1966, oil on canvas, 100x150cm, Serpa Family Collection. Photo: Jaime Acioli.

Exhibition that brings the most important retrospective of master Ivan Serpa wins virtual events with the exhibition's curators. Days 15 of June, 01 and 15 July – 20 hours Information and registration: Ivan Serpa the expression of concrete Until 02 August – CCBB São Paulo Visitation: Every day, the 9h … Read more

Ivan Serpa – the concrete expression

Kiss, 1966, oil on canvas, 100x150cm, Serpa Family Collection. Photo: Jaime Acioli.

Banco do Brasil São Paulo Cultural Center receives Ivan Serpa's extensive retrospective, one of the most important plastic artists in Brazil “There is never anything really new. The new is something from the past that was chosen again. Or there, always, it is a resumption of position. ” Ivan Serpa Ivan Serpa the expression of … Read more

Ivan Serpa: the expression of concrete open to the public at CCBB-Rio, until day 26 October

Kiss, 1966, oil on canvas, 100x150cm, Serpa Family Collection.

Last weeks to visit the Ivan Serpa exhibition: the concrete expression, a comprehensive retrospective of one of the most important masters of the history of Brazilian art, open to the public at CCBB-Rio, until day 26 October, adapted to new health security measures Access to the CCBB building and the exhibition will be exclusively … Read more

This Wednesday, 16, CCBB RIO reopens the exhibition Ivan Serpa to the public: the concrete expression

Kiss, 1966, oil on canvas, 100x150cm, Serpa Family Collection.

“There is never anything really new. The new is something from the past that was chosen again. Or there, always, it is a resumption of position. ” Ivan Serpa Ivan Serpa the expression of concrete Reopening: on wednesday, 16 March Closing: Friday, 26 October 2020 CCBB-RIO – 1º andar and Rotunda The Ivan Serpa exhibition: to … Read more

Ivan Serpa Exhibition: the concrete expression, wins a complete online tour through the Google Arts app & Culture, available for Android and Ios

Ivan Serpa Exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

Closed to the public ten days after it opened due to the pandemic, the Ivan Serpa exhibition: the concrete expression, a comprehensive retrospective of one of the most important masters of the history of Brazilian art, wins a complete online tour through the Google Arts app & Culture, available for Android and Ios How about doing it … Read more

Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil has extensive retrospective of Ivan Serpa, one of the most important artists of Brazil

“There is never anything really new. The new is something from the past that was chosen again. Or there, always, it is a resumption of position. ” Ivan Serpa Ivan Serpa the expression of concrete Opening: Tuesday, 03 March Exhibition: from 04 March to 12 May CCBB-RIO – 11st floor and Roundabout The Cultural Center … Read more

From abstraction to neoconcretismo: a tribute to Decius Vieira

From 8 April to 9 July Sesc Quitandinha-Petrópolis (RJ) Quitandinha Palace, in Petropolis, was the scene, in February 1953, one of the landmarks in the history of brazilian art: the 1st National Exhibition of abstract art, result of articulations between the Petropolitan Association of Fine Arts and the Museum of Art … Read more


Six years of criticism and its relevance after six decades of Brazilian art 12 November to 18 th December 2015 Opening for guests: 11 th November of 2015 Gustavo Rebello Arte Av. Atlantic 1702, Shop 8, Copacabana – Tel: 2548-6163 Monday-Friday, from 12h to 20h entrance free Gustavo … Read more