SP-Arte | Casa do Povo launches series of unpublished works by Daniel Lie and Regina DabDab

Daniel Lie, House of the people. Photo: Camila Svenson.

CASA DO POVO LAUNCHES SERIES COMUM PRESENCE AT SP-ARTE Artists Daniel Lie and Regina Dabdab sign the 30 works from the series in an unpublished collab. Amounts raised from the sale will be used to renovate the Cultural Space building located in Bom Retiro Exclusively for SP-Arte, which happens to 6 to 10 … Read more

Paola Carosella and Mauro Restiffe participate in the annual fundraiser of Casa do Povo

House of the people #2 Mauro Restiffe and Cooperativa Emprendedoras Sin Fronteras. Photo: Eduardo Ortega e Ding Musa. Courtesy Fortes D'Aloia & Gabriel, Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro.

In a fundraiser for the cultural center's annual budget, supporters offer dinner, prepared by chef Paola Carosella, for families in the neighborhood of Bom Retiro in a situation of social vulnerability. Employees will receive an unpublished work, limited edition, by photographer Mauro Restiffe in partnership with Cooperativa Emprendedoras Sin Fronteras Opportunity to celebrate CASA DO POVO and … Read more

Visual artist Daniel Mattar accepts an invitation from Marcia Barrozo do Amaral for a solo show at ArtRio

Daniel Mattar with Drawings. Photo: Disclosure.

After four years without exhibiting and without coming to Brazil, the visual artist Daniel Mattar, also consecrated in Europe, accepts an invitation from Marcia Barrozo do Amaral for a solo show at ArtRio, What happens between 8 and 12 de setembro Galerista já é reconhecida por selecionar apenas um grande artista para seu espaço em importantes feiras como ArtRio e SP-Arte Daniel Mattar, for nearly three decades, was one of the most coveted photographers in the fashion world, editoriais e campanhas icônicas levavam a suaRead more

thematic meeting on Cultural Unibes discusses social media and the art market | 18jun2019

Latitude Project brings together experts in São Paulo to discuss the impact of using social media on the dynamics of the art market. To Apply here: bit.ly/2wGPt3G The Latitude - Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad project promotes on the day 18 of June, Tuesday, from 10 to 13 hours, in Cultural Unibes, in São Paulo, the thematic meeting “Galleries of … Read more

SP-Arte, 2019, Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri - Carlos Fajardo

Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri sp-art, 2019 – Masters sector 03 – 07 April 2019 – preview day for guests 03 April. Pavilion Ciccillo Matarazzo [The Bienal Pavilion] Ibirapuera park, Gate 3 São Paulo, Brazil Carlos Fajardo is one of the artists selected to be part of the Masters sector of the 15th edition of sp-arte. Fajardo will present … Read more

Brigida Baltar was the winner of Marcos Amaro Art Award

Initiative was a partnership between Fundação Marcos Amaro and SP-Arte Plastic artist Brígida Baltar, Nara Roesler Gallery, It was the winner of Marcos Amaro Art Award, what happened on 12 April, during the SP-Arte. The award was a partnership between the Marcos Amaro Foundation and the organizing entity … Read more

Fragment Gallery (Moscow, Russia) in SP-Arte 2018

For the first time, a Russian contemporary art gallery will participate in the SP-Arte, International Fair of Art of São Paulo, from 11 to 15 April 2018 Contemporary art gallery Fragment Gallery (Moscow) It will be the first Russian gallery to join the SP-Arte, International Fair of Art of São Paulo. Fragment Gallery was founded … Read more

Alexander D ' Angeli opens Sector Performance of the SP-Arte with Waste

WASTE performance, the artist Alexander D'angeli, one of the 10 selected works for the SP-Arte 2016, which happens to 7 to 10 April at the Ibirapuera Park, Opens the event on the day performances 6 April (only for guests). The paper presented last year in the city of Porto, in … Read more

Artists from Bahia in SP ARTE 2015

Bahia in SP ART 2015 The fair will have the second edition of Solo space and discuss art as value in Talks TWO BAHIAN ARTISTS FEATURED at SOLO PROGRAMMING: – Mario Cravo Junior – Paul Darzé Gallery and – Almandrade – Roberto Alban galeria [facebook] About Mário Cravo When it comes to visual arts … Read more