Therese Mazzei presents “Possibilities” in the Gallery of the House of Paul Barry

The visual artist capixaba Therese Mazzei inaugurates the exhibition "Possibilities", next Saturday (7 October), at 4:00 pm, in the Gallery of the House of Paul Barry, in Lapa. For your first solo exhibition in Rio de Janeiro, Teresinha apresentará uma série de obras inéditas e algumas que fazem parte do seu percurso artístico na pigmentação orgânicaRead more

Collective exhibition “3 the A” ends next Saturday (1)

Elmo Malik, Márcio Goldzweig, Moema White Boy, Lina Rivera, Paul White and Jung Sheldon. Photo: Jorge Calfo.

The exhibition "3 a” is playing at the Gallery of the House of Paul White until next Saturday (1). With the participation of artists Elmo Malik, Jung Sheldon, Márcio Goldzweig and Lina Rivera, the exhibition gives the visitor the opportunity to check the result of the recent work of these four artists – que juntos mostram aoRead more