Two brothers Collective presents: Assay Dream – Final part, Maria Maia and Finício – Every end is a new beginning, Ale Maia and Padua

the Araras, featured - Ale Maia and Padua. Photo: Disclosure.

Between the days 7 June and 26 July will take place at Culture Room Leila Diniz double exposure "test on Dream - Final Part and Finício - Every end is a new beginning". For the first time, the brothers Maria Maia and Maia Ale and Padua will exhibit together, in the same room, com temáticasRead more

Collective Contemporary presents exhibition "Highlights"

We live in the era of change, the deconstruction of consolidated figures, the culture of metamorphoses and the failure of certain classical ideologies of society. The era of supposedly unshakable certainties are falling to the ground. "The notions of happiness in the sphere of the modern are closely related to the immediate satisfaction of human needs, large fictitious needs … Read more

Collective Exhibition “MIRRORS”

Mirrors are symbols of purity, truth and sincerity. In Eastern traditions, is a sign of wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment. intriguing objects, They have the power to attract to you the looks of them who crosses, occasion in which they translate the true content of men's hearts and the depths of their … Read more

Collective exhibition "Speech"

Curator Luciane Valencia 4 from July to 6 August Identity is a fundamental feature of the human experience, it enables the human being to its constitution as a subject in the social world. The group exhibition Speech invites us to reflect on how we view ourselves and the acceptance of others regardless of binary determinations, … Read more

Exhibition “Ideas fell to Earth ” Maria Maia

Curated by Luciane Valencia Maria Maia Rio, born in Niterói, where he lives and dedicates his time working in the visual arts and the creation of their “creatures”, playful 3D characters, style and own technique that gave life to “Nina World”. That was how their “creatures”, all affectionately called by artist “Nina”, … Read more