CCC on display at Garden Mall of the Americas

The art of the students and teachers of the Creativity Center of Curitiba will be exposed to the public from this Wednesday (27/09) in the Garden of the Americas Mall. The show "CCC in motion, Innovation and Creativity "brings to the public experiences in mosaics, drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, marchetaria, Creative crochet and restoration. O evento de abertura contaráRead more

Baby Doll – every woman can be a doll

Work of Gaucho artist who investigates feminism at Japan's exhibition in São Paulo from 5 October, in the Consolação Gallery Adamu Verri, 37 years, is an artist, doctor, playwright, writer and Communicator. Be in the Studio, in the Office or in the media, sua ação é marcada pela contemporaneidade e pelaRead more
