Universe of the Arts - END OF THE YEAR physical exhibition

Universe of the Arts - Show END OF THE YEAR, Flyer, featured. Disclosure.

CALL FOR Exhibition We will do our great physical exhibition FIN DE AÑO (written in spanish) because our group was created in Argentina and has members from all over the world.. It will be an honor to have your participation. If you want to participate: must create the work (Free Theme), send by email: [email protected] (e-mail from my partner director and graphic designer at … Read more

MON holds an exhibition of African art with pieces recently added to its collection

MON - Oscar Niemeyer Museum. Photo: Alessandro Vieira - AEN.

The exhibition “Africa, Artistic Expressions of a Continent”, held by the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, presented by Copel and made possible by the government of the State of Paraná, can be seen by the public from 31 August, in the room 4. It is an excerpt from the grandiose donation made by the Ivani and Jorge Yunes Collection (CIJY) ao MY. In total, are approximately 1.700 works … Read more

Ceramic art show features works by 13 Brasilia potters

Julia Gonzales. Photo: Marisa Mendonça.

To celebrate a millenary art that crosses the centuries and reaches the contemporary, incorporating design to tradition, here comes the first edition of: Cobogó de Cerâmica Where artists from Brasília present their works in high temperature ceramics produced using different techniques It is unanimous among ceramists that producing ceramic objects is an act … Read more

Movement THROUGH

Ricardo Becker, daily. Photo: Disclosure.

The Ana Beatriz Britto and Isabela Burlamaqui Art Office presents the painting exhibition ATRAVÉS, that brings together five artists of different styles, in the Brazilian Contemporary Movement Space of 17 from July to 14 August. The Brazilian Contemporary Movement Space / EMCB and the Art Office Ana Beatriz Britto and Isabela Burlamaqui present … Read more


Expon_line, Flyer. Disclosure.

Virtual exhibition of artists from the Federal District values ​​artistic work and allocates part of the collection, with the sale of the works, for charity Amid the pandemic caused by the New Coronavirus, artistic and cultural practice has proved to be important allies when it comes to minimizing the negative effects of social isolation, such as … Read more

9Mostra 3M Art selects works that explore the diversity and celebrate new possible worlds

The five works selected by notice are exposed at Largo da Batata, in São Paulo, from 28 September to 27 October São Paulo, august 2019 – This year, renewing its objective of democratizing access to art, boost domestic artistic production and generate relevant reflections on contemporary issues, the 9th … Read more

Art shows 3M opens tender to choose the artists of the 9th edition

registrations, that take place over four weeks, They can be made on behalf of individuals above 18 years or artistic collectives São Paulo, May 2019 – In order to democratize access to art, boost domestic artistic production and generate relevant reflections on contemporary issues, a 9ª Mostra 3MRead more

Exhibition of Visual Arts "Excuse me I'm going to fight" by Rosangela Vig

I am the woman to whom the time Very taught. Taught to love life. Don't give up the fight. Start over in defeat. Waive negative words and thoughts. Believe in human values. Be optimistic. (CORALINA, 2004, p. 132) The words would not be enough to describe the woman who was our dear Cora Coralina. Its verses are of … Read more

Free shows in São Paulo brings together big names of visual arts

With co-curated by Stephanie Egedy and Camille Laurent, FINDeARTE praises Brazilian visual arts is held in São Paulo, on the next day 08 of June, a Festival FINDeARTE, group exhibition of visual arts in DAHAUS Space, that, among the trustees, plastic artists Camille Laurent and Stephanie Egedy, who develop work based on the influences of … Read more

The essence of Athos Bulcão in Shows celebrating the century of birth of artist

The starting point of this major traveling exhibition is Brasília, City that contains in your DNA the greater expression of poetic inventiveness of honored Athos Bulcão is in Brazilian colours, in the unmistakable traces of drawings, in the personality of the paintings, na unforeseen logic das fotomontagens, the strength of the sets and costumes, in the univiteline relationship between … Read more