Exhibition "Samba Rio: resistance and reinvention "comes to an end after receiving more than 200 thousand visitors

closing event will be presentation of the Mangueira, group show Parrot Known, book launch in honor of Martinho da Vila and Bezerra da Silva, among other activities Date: 28 April | 10h às 18h O Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, encerra aRead more


CULTURAL BOX BRASILIA, FROM 22 FROM MARCH TO 14 MAY 2017. FREE ENTRY. Exhibition presents paintings, pictures and sculptures of the artist in the main gallery of the Cultural BOX Brasilia * show features poetic and hard-hitting views of Afro-Brazilian culture icons, do patrimônio imaterial e de símbolos da religiosidade de matriz africana A palavra ‘Diáspora’ vem do gregoRead more
