The History of Paper, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 - Role Creation, Rita Caruzzo, Collage of natural leaves on paper; Paper São Paulo, basis weight 600, mill Brazil, 2019.

Soak the brush in the blue sea, in the fire of heaven, in the soft silver of the fog that covers the mountain. Soak the brush in the sunflower's light, in the green body of hope, and on the blank paper stains appear: a house, a river, and very far away a girl with her hands full of stars. … Read more

collage Analog – Returning full force, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

The use of collage in modern art is huge, as it permeated artistic movements and is now returning with enough force. A digital collage also as a twenty-first century tool is very active in the field of advertising, illustration, animation and other means. Many young artists are masterfully digital art. So that now … Read more

Metro Display - Line Culture, Paul Lionetti, by Rosângela Vig

I remember beautiful sensations, lights and natural thanks, sweet emotions, gentle joys, fiery, intense, I am looking for not intimate, colors and hues that woke me up to the fascination of creation and the secret of life. (DAROS, p.24, 2015) The flustered city is lost in the shuffle of hurried footsteps, the in and out of public transport, on the run … Read more
