Nano Art Market launches niche social network, focused on art and culture

Nano Art Market. Photo: Disclosure.

After the acquisition of Tropix, held in July last year, a Nano Art Market, marketplace that sells and delivers works of art nationwide, get ready for another news: the launch of the new social network Nano, dedicated to the art and culture segment. Por meio da Nano, profissionais e amantes de diversas linguagensRead more

Interior Design Course: Discover the principles and learn to create Incredible Environments

Interior Design Course: Discover the principles and learn to create Incredible Environments. Image of kjpargeter on Freepik.

Interior design is the process of creating environments that are functional., beautiful and safe. It is used to enhance the human experience in a certain area. Whether for commercial or residential purposes, o design de interiores é essencial para garantir que espaços interiores sejam seguros, comfortable, efficient and beautiful. Se você está interessado emRead more

MUL.TI.PLO promotes chat with José Resende and Ronaldo Brito

José Resende and Ronaldo Brito, featured. Photo: Ana Paula Amorim.

The work of one of the biggest names in Brazilian contemporary art through the eyes of one of the most important thinkers in the country. meeting takes place in 14 February, third, às 18h30, as a result of the show at the gallery with unpublished works by the sculptor from São Paulo. Multi.ti.plo Espaço Arte promotes on the day 14 de fevereiro um encontro entre o escultorRead more

Flooded Modernity: a casa inundada de Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen

Obra "Floating Modernity" in Vejle, Denmark, do artist Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen. Photo: Cortesia Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen.

As a critique of modern society, the work displays Villa Savoye partially submerged Shown at the Floating Art festival 2018, in the town of Vejle, Denmark, a obra Floating Modernity, do artist Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen, represents a famous modernist work by Le Corbusier, villa savoye, partially submerged. The work rescues fundamental principles of using art as a tool … Read more

“Breathing Nature”

Work "Waters" by Bianca Land. Photo: Disclosure.

Artist “based” in Teresópolis, Bianca Land presents a solo show at Centro Cultural Correios RJ After working for years at a frenetic pace in the Creative Department of a large advertising agency, Bianca Land decided to change the air and breathe. and be inspired. In the early 90, when he went to live in the mountains, a artista passouRead more

“The Little Big World of Flavio Papi”

Work "Ruins" for the feature “Other stories”, by Pedro Bial, Flavio Papi. Photo: Disclosure.

Retrospective of more than 60 Papi's career years, gathers drawings, paintings, sculptures and models "O Pequeno Grande Mundo de Flavio Papi" began to be built very early, in childhood, when I was already producing models and mini sculptures. At six years old, started drawing with Augusto Rodrigues, na “Escolinha de Artes doRead more

Institute of Contemporary Art – IAC holds historical exhibition of Carmela Gross

Carmela Gross, STAMPS,1977-78, project files. Photo: Disclosure.

The show “Stamps” curated by Ricardo Resende and opens to the public on 04 February, at 12 o'clock Carmela Gross's first stamp was a drawing of a fist on the table, no IV Salão de Arte Moderna do Distrito Federal, in Brasília, in the year 1968. In 1978, Carmela apresentou no Gabinete deRead more

A book can change the course of the Great Navigations

"The King's Secret"" by Douglas Portelinha, featured. Disclosure.

“The King's Secret”, written by the paranaense Douglas Portelinha, mixes fiction and world history in an adventure plot From Paraná to Bahia, civil engineer Douglas Portelinha lived in different Brazilian states. because of the profession, also lived in six other countries: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Angola and Argentina. A experiência com tantas viagensRead more

Interactive virtual museum brings together the life and work of painter José Antonio da Silva

'Chegada do Primeiro Trem' 1967, MAP collection. Photo: Vinicius DallAqua.

With three-dimensional visualization and sound in 360 degrees immersive, digital platform with gamified actions goes live from Wednesday (1º/2) with digitalized collection in high definition of 69 paintings, 16 sculptures, 27 collages, photographs, letters and personal objects of the self-taught artist of rural origin who lived in São José do Rio Preto (SP) … Read more

22: virtual exhibition with paintings by Chilean artist Cheo González talks with insinuating texts by Mário de Andrade

Cheo Gonzalez / Alex Arquelo, banner horizontal, Exhibition 22 - Lusophone Museum of Sexual Diversity. Disclosure.

Lusophone Museum of Sexual Diversity launches second exhibition honoring 100 years of Modern Art Week and the writer Still surfing on the success of his first exhibition, Queer Angola, which attracted thousands of visitors to the website of the Lusophone Museum of Sexual Diversity, showing Angolan LGBT people, the museum launches its second virtual exhibition. With … Read more
