Avant Première Arte Inclusiva – Paralympics, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Avant Première Arte Inclusiva - Paralympics. Disclosure.

Art has always been present in the history of mankind, being the legitimate expression of the representation of a society and its culture. Does not matter, not when, nor where, nor how and by whom it was made. There is no beautiful or ugly art, there is simply “Art“. Art was not meant to be understood, but rather to be … Read more

1º Virgínia Artigas National Visual Arts Salon, by Rosângela Vig

1º Virgínia Artigas National Visual Arts Salon, featured. Disclosure.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related: Directed by Editora Artrilha and in partnership with Instituto Virgínia and Vilanova Artigas, registration for the 1st National Salon of Visual Arts Virgínia Artigas is open, developed and presented in a virtual environment. The purpose of the Salon is to promote, encourage and promote the production of artistic expressions … Read more

Art and Creation Studio promotes mega exhibition of painting with a focus on 27 Brazil states;

Curators make a special call to artists from all over Brazil and the world; registration is free and open now, with the objective of promoting the figurative expression of visual arts among Brazilian artists and illustrators residing in Brazil and abroad, and to foreigners living in Brazil and abroad who feel … Read more

Open registration for the 8th Contest Our People Our Art

Pharmacies Network Action Pay Less will award up to R $ 4.500 paintings, engravings and collages on the theme "Love is what binds us" Until the day 16 July (Tuesday), registration is now open to participate in the 8th Our People Our Art Pharmacy Network Pague Menos Contest, action of the large retailer … Read more

Lab.9 art contest

The Malamegi company is raffling the creation of a new collection of works by the selection of one artist among the 12 finalists of the contest. The contest is aimed at promoting the artists participating in it, giving them the opportunity to become involved effectively in the market of art and decoration. PRIZES: – final exhibition in Venice – prize … Read more

Senate opens registration for contest of bronze bust

Senate Museum. Photo: Rodrigo Viana-Senate.

The Senate opens, from this Monday, day 24 August, entries for contest to bust that will decorate the facade of one of the buildings of the House. The work must be a bronze sculpture, in classic style or realistic and will integrate the artistic collection of the Senate. Podem participar artistas de todoRead more

Lab. 8 Art Contest

The Malamegi company is raffling the creation of a new collection of works by the selection of one artist among the 12 finalists of the contest. The contest is aimed at promoting the artists participating in it, giving them the opportunity to become involved effectively in the market of art and decoration. PRIZES: – exposição final em Roma – prize … Read more

Registration extended until 14 December to the 11th Prize Arte Laguna

International art award | free theme | open to all registration extended until 14 th December 2016. The Laguna Art Prize is an international art competition, free themed, whose goal is to promote contemporary art. O concurso destaca-se no cenário global de arte pela crescente variedade de parcerias e oportunidades oferecidasRead more

Registration open for the 11th Prize Arte Laguna

International art award | free theme | open to all The Art Laguna Prize is an international art competition, free themed, whose goal is to promote contemporary art. The contest stands in the global art scene by the growing variety of partnerships and opportunities offered to artists, e é reconhecido mundialmente como umRead more

9º Arte Laguna Prize by Valentina Valmarana

9º Prêmio Internacional Arte Laguna por Valentina Valmarana O Prêmio Internacional Arte Laguna é um concurso de arte que oferece aos artistas a oportunidade de fazer parte do panorama artístico contemporâneo participando nas seleções para uma exposição internacional que será feita na Arsenale de Veneza em Março 2015, além da possibilidade de ganhar muitos prêmiosRead more