Women for Women Exhibition – Galeria Estação, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 – Conceição dos Bugres, Wood and beeswax carving, featured. Photo: Joao Liberato.

I want, to compose my chaste monologues,Lie down next to the sky, in the fashion of astrologersAnd very close to the bell I can hear him meditativelyThe solemn songs, carried by the wind. Hands placed on the chin, I from the top of the mansard roof,I view the workshop on Brown time:City towers and chimneys or masts,Big skies making eternity dream.(BAUDELAIRE, … Read more

Shows always something between Us continues the Project [I'm Here], in Sesc Belenzinho

Galciani Neves is the curator of the exhibition that brings together contemporary artists and emphasizes the many forms of relationship between audience and artwork. In this next phase, o projeto também traz atividade de formação com jovens que têm interesse em estudar e produzir coletivamente Discutir os mais diversos elementos das artes e o modo como eles seRead more