Dance as Therapy: Benefits for Mental and Physical Health

Dance as Therapy: Benefits for Mental and Physical Health. Freepik image.

The dance, in addition to its artistic expressiveness, has played a significant role as a form of therapy over the years. This article deeply explores the benefits of dance for mental and physical health, highlighting how this practice transcends mere physical activity, becoming an effective tool to promote integral well-being. Table of Contents … Read more

Documentary on social inclusion of people with disabilities receives support from Panvel

Julio Mottin Neto and Victor Freiberg. Photo: Disclosure.

The theater play Todo Mundo tem um Sonho reverberated in the gaucho scene by addressing the inclusion of people with physical disabilities, sensory and intellectual in society. Created by Cultural Belonging, the work was awarded in 2019 with the Panvel On Stage Featured Award, during the cultural program of the Porto Alegre On Stage International Festival. … Read more

Traces magazine initiates action “Ambassadors” design and launches digital sale

Actions seek to minimize the impact of the crisis on the lives of Spokespersons of Culture You already know: those responsible for making the magazine Traces reaches readers are Spokespersons of Culture. People that, before knowing the traits, They were on the streets or extreme vulnerability. And at this time of combating the pandemic … Read more