Exhibition "The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont "achievement international award

Shows won the gold in the International Design & Communication Awards (IDCA), as best temporary exhibition scenography The exhibition communication and the scenography of the Museum of Tomorrow were also recognized with a bronze medal in the award, delivered in Canada this Thursday, 17 November “The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont ", exhibition that highlights the capacity for innovation … Read more

Exhibition "The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont "promotes new view of documentary at the Museum of tomorrow

Exhibition "The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont "promotes new view of documentary dedicated to the inventor, This Wednesday, at the Museum of Tomorrow Movie “Santos Dumont - The air challenge” used replicas of the 14-Bis and the Demoiselle. Session will be at 4:00 pm, in the museum auditorium The exhibition “The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont ", at the Museum of tomorrow, promotes … Read more

Exhibition "The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont "promotes new exhibition of documentaries dedicated to Brazilian inventor, in August, at the Museum of tomorrow

Sessions of "the man can Fly" and "Dumont-the challenge of air" happen in days 24 and 31, respectively, with free entry to those who could not watch the documentaries about Alberto Santos Dumont in the month of July, at the Museum of tomorrow, didn't miss the chance to find out even more about the trajectory of this great … Read more

Display of film about Santos Dumont, followed by chat with Director, inventor's birthday is celebrated on the day 20, at the Museum of tomorrow

Only production using the main projects of the great Brazilian full-scale innovator, "Santos Dumont-the challenge of the air" will be at 4:00 pm. In an event promoted by the exhibition "the Flying Poet", Adolfo Rosenthal and the film team talk about the documentary In honor of Santos Dumont's birthday, This Wednesday, day 20 … Read more

Exhibition "The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont "promotes the exhibition of documentary films at the Museum of tomorrow

Sessions of "the man can Fly" and "Dumont-the challenge of air" happen in days 13 and 20 July, respectively, with free entry From July to October, tomorrow's Museum visitors will have the opportunity to learn even more about the trajectory of Alberto Santos Dumont, this great Brazilian visionary who … Read more