My green light risks,
Paths within me,
Green Sea Road,
Wide open without end.
I'm running. I'm dancing,
Weaving tape my Dick.
I will seed sowing
In the fields of fantasy.
I'm turning. I'm singing,
And don't call me Maria.
(CORALINA, 2004, p. 216)
Step by step 15 of how to draw

The way insists on mind, settles on blank paper or on the screen and color melts ALB. The idea is born, acquire shape and complements with the colors. The artist is responsible for the fair distribution of all, where once there was an empty. The insurgents lines fit each other, and follow outlining horizons, landscapes, bodies, color of shades, from lights, of shadows, outline moves. Behold the work emerges and becomes her own unique, for the simple delight of looking.
The mind can rave in forms, but the artist control those impulses and follow their own rules in your make. Amid these ecstasies, freedom insisted and leads to mind to most unusual images, represents the most unlikely scenes. And if those impossible scenes to life were seen under a kaleidoscope, or as if we were behind a beautiful stained glass window color? Moved by such inspiration, did a study with thirty works compiled from geometric shapes. Let the ingenuity if shed in my mind and to go free by the paper and the screen. And the Tango at Caminito was the first of this series of works.

The beautiful and colorful Caminito (Fig. 1) stay in Buenos Aires, in Argentina and the place makes more than the impression of beauty. Their vibrant colors; involve the soul with joy and the sensual rhythm of tango. For this article I did a special design, with a couple, at the peak of a movement the tango, in the beautiful Caminito (Fig. 2).
The intention was to give special attention to the movement of the dance and the colors of the place. The geometric shapes complemented, Once I imagined the scene seen through a stained-glass window color, or a kaleidoscope.
The work began with a diagonal line, on the sheet. From this line drafted a sketch of couple, with rounded lines, as if the two together formed an inverted triangle, with the narrower side for legs and sides to the shoulders and the rest of the body. Complete this, drew slightly their heads, your arms and your legs. With the ruler, I hit all the lines of their bodies, to be straight and that there was no mysterious ways. The rest came by accident account. With the repeated and extended some ruler lines across the sheet to the houses of Caminito. On the floor, the right side, I traced a ladder, as if the boy were there supported. The color complemented the design. In the colourful houses and local trade, the joy and life stressed. In man's clothing, the seriousness of black contrasted with the sensuality of Red girl dress, with delicate lace on the.

With my eyes closed, follow imagination, Let the mind, free, perambulasse and that rodopiasse in the streets of Buenos Aires, to the rhythm of tango.

In the series of Mato Grosso do Sul, the artist Luciana Fischer portrayed the everyday life of the place, making use of the lines. Included in the scenes, typical beings place, strokes geometrically, bringing the tradition of the place to the contemporaneity of the Art. Everything is common in the scene, the unexpected is the highlight for shapes, that seem to surround the center of the image, taking more than just color, but leaving out the movement.

In Valdonês, straight lines are still associated with the perspective. The exaggerated size of the feet of the characters in his two works accentuates the vanishing point and brings the scene to look. In the two images, the two seem to rest casually, in relaxed position. Around the protagonists, There are circles, There are geometric shapes and there are shadows. The simplicity in the form of the coconut tree and the birds of San Francisco makes it possible for you to look at the focus on the central theme. The color just completed, in rich combination, What was already beautiful.

The autonomy took the three artists use shape and straight lines of remarkable way, following these worlds where the invention lies. As a result, the beautiful enchanted art, once again. And follow the words of our great and wise poet. Cora Coralina suggests a free travel for these worlds, taking flight casually. Let the art is like a kaleidoscope, full of different shapes each new look. Look at it in different ways, and then re-create the art.
Check out the video of the production of the work in the Caminito Tango:
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Articles about the Art History of Rosângela Vig:
- CORALINA, Cora. Best Poems Collection: Cora Coralina. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2004.
The figures:
Fig. 1 – Caminito, Argentina, Rosângela Vig, 2013.
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Fig. 2 – No Caminito Tango, Rosângela Vig, 2017.
Fig. 3 – The Herd, Luciana Fischer.
Fig. 4 – Blue Grotto, Luciana Fischer.
Fig. 5 – Network, Valdonês dos Santos Ribeiro.
Fig. 6 – San Francisco, Valdonês dos Santos Ribeiro.
Sorocaba – São Paulo
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