Chat with Mike Deodato, Cosplay contest and concert with music from movies are the next attractions of Geek Sesc Week

Mike Deodato. Photo: Pedro Ferreira.

Event broadcast by YouTube from Sesc/RS until next Saturday, 30 October One of the greatest designers today, Mike Deodato participates in Geek Sesc Week this Thursday (28/10) with a chat about comics. Broadcast by YouTube from Sesc/RS ( from the 8:00 pm, the conversation will address the works … Read more

“Arts in times of exception” is the theme of the Arte-Papo of the Ema Klabin House Museum

Ema Klabin House Museum is inspired by Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and designed by Alfredo Ernesto Becker in the mid 1950. Photo: Disclosure.

Online meeting brings together contemporary artists in a relaxed chat Next day 23 September, from 5 pm to 6 pm, Casa Museu Ema Klabin promotes another edition of the Arte-Papo series “Arts in times of exception” which will be broadcast live on its YouTube channel. Artists and researchers Katia Salvany and Renan participate in this edition … Read more

CCBB-Rio's educational program is remote and highlights World Autism Day with chat and online activities. It's all free!

CCBBs-Rio, Place of creation. Photo: Disclosure.

CCBB-Rio's educational program celebrates World Autism Awareness Day with chat and online activities that link the arts to the theme, in addition to accessible courses in Libras, mediated visits, artistic offices, meetings and cultural practices aimed at all audiences Due to restrictive measures to protect life and Combat Covid … Read more

World Environment Day will have a chat with Sebastião Salgado and Rosiska Darcy and live with Lenine

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

World Environment Day is biodiversity theme. Activities take place virtually due to COVID-19 On the 4, to 16 hours, the Nature Hour live: Reflections on Tomorrow will have a chat by Rosiska Darcy and Sebastião Salgado with Fábio Scarano On the day 5, to 17 hours, Musical Chat with Lenine will mark World Day … Read more

Aliança Francesa promotes a chat with Olivier Mauco, president of the Parisian Game in Society studio

Interview with Olivier Mauco, video game developer, president of the Parisian Game in Society studio. Photo: Disclosure.

French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro offers exclusive French-speaking programming for the public to enjoy at home. Special highlight for the series of interviews with artists and personalities on cultural and social topics. Olivier Mauco, video game developer, presidente do estúdio parisiense Game in Society é o segundo entrevistado da série e compartilhará com o públicoRead more

Art Meeting in the Reading Room (RJ)

Artists promote afternoon of video art, performance and chat in the Library-Park, with free admission. Event takes place from 14h to 18h, around the group exhibition Reading Room, on display on site. Osvaldo Carvalho signs the curatorial, Leah organization of Rio. On 16 August (next Friday), from 14h to 18h, to library-parque … Read more

Alliance Française carries out chat about the importance of the work of Simone de Beauvoir in literature, in the movies and in the lives of women

Filmmaker Lucia Murat and Léonard Collette debate the theme and the director's latest film, ' In three acts ', based on the texts of the French writer Next Wednesday, 09, às 19h30, the Auditorium of the Alliance Française Botafogo receives filmmaker Lucia Murat and film expert Leonard Collette to the chat “It is literature … Read more

Chat with the sculptor Vilma Noel

The Braille Sector is performing in the period 04 September to 17 of October the exhibition "Tactile Feeling", the mining sculptress Vilma Noel. And has the honour to invite you to participate in a dynamic chat for the artist's interaction with the public, on 15 October (Thursday), to 14:30. Este é maisRead more