Municipal Culture Fund will fund projects illustrators and cartoonists

They will receive R $ 300 thousand to execution 15 projects. Value is part of a new contribution to finance initiatives from different cultural segments. Illustrators, cartoonists and cartoonists have to 24 October to enroll in Comics Notice 2020/2021, the Curitiba Cultural Foundation. The selected projects will receive resources from the Municipal Culture Fund … Read more

To encourage the creation, Gibiteca opens comic incubator

This Friday (10/8), at 19h, the Gibiteca of Curitiba opened its comic incubator. The new space is equipped with computers, digitizing tables, scanners, clipboards and internet for comics projects. The incubator was named Adilson Orikassa, comic artist and professor of Curitiba Gibiteca, deceased in 2012. The artist edited by 19 years the … Read more

Gibiteca participates in the 1st week of HQ Public Library

This Monday (19/3), starts 1st Week HQ of Paraná Public Library. The event runs until Saturday (24/3) and enlisted the help of Curitiba Gibiteca on schedule preparation. The opening will be at 17.30, no earth metal hall, with the opening of an exhibition that brings together works by Fulvio Pacheco, Ariel Dacunha, … Read more

Workshop lembra os 125 anniversary of the death of Maria Bueno

The Gibiteca Curitiba place next Friday (2), at 19h, or workshop "O Portrait of Maria Bueno", consists of lecture and drawing class. The event recalls the 125 anniversary of the murder of this character of Curitiba history who gained fame and notoriety after his death, for being appointed as intercessor of the population's requests … Read more

Exhibition assembles works of 120 illustrators curitibanos

Shows Traces Curitibanos - Luiz Antonio Weld. Disclosure.

The production of the last two years 120 comics and animation professionals, illustrators and caricaturists of the city is reunited in the second edition of the show Traces Curitibanos, that will open next Friday (30), at 19h, in the Municipal Museum of art (Muma). All are active artists in Curitiba and cultural market, por meio dessaRead more

Gibiteca promotes collective release of comics

The Curitiba Gibiteca promotes next Friday (21), at 19h, the biggest event of the collective history of the city, with the participation of 28 curitibanas magazines produced for the Bienal of Comics from Curitiba. "These publications, added to the 12 releases already carried out on Gibiteca in 2016, demonstrate the effervescence of production … Read more

Curitiba comics Biennale makes donation to the collection of Gibiteca

The collection of Gibiteca of Curitiba received 300 comics collected during the biennial Curitiba comics held in September this year. Among the donations made by the Organization of the event are national and independent titles. The delivery was made last week in the space managed by the Curitiba Cultural Foundation by the Biennale coordinator … Read more

Exhibition history of comics curitibanos through his characters

The chronology of the comic books of the city through his characters are in the exhibition "Fabulous Gallery of comic Characters of Curitiba", that opens next Friday (4), at 19h, in the room the Pencil engraving Museum, at Solar do Barão. Curated by Fulvio Pacheco, the exhibition in sticker album format has … Read more