Clicks of humor and provocation in the contemporary world

The solo exhibition “POST(and)”, visual artist André Sheik and curated by Raul Mourao, It will be held at Marquis space 456 this September. The show features photographs taken with mobile phone - conducted between 2014 and 2018 - Series "Anthropomorphic". in pictures, the artist mixes his shadow with those of streetlights … Read more

With humor and eroticism, artist exposes for the first time pieces that enhance the feminine delicacy

Artist Angela Bassichetti offers unpublished works as the fun Sorvetetas and the Lapinettes São Paulo, 09 March 2016 – The artist Angela Bassichetti has just released its first exhibition, named Chez Elle. With boldness, humor and eroticism, as pinturas e esculturas da artista trabalham a delicadeza da alma feminina com pitadasRead more

Cultural current have Opera, mood, Battle of rhymes and ballroom dancing

For all styles and preferences the Current Cultural programming, What happens between 3 and 8 November, goes far beyond the great shows scheduled for the stages of Mouth Fucking, San Francisco ruins and Spain Square. For this year, a Fundação Cultural de Curitiba em parceria com produtores daRead more