Director of the Festival de Cannes will be in your movie's premiere at the Cultural reserve of Niterói

"Lumière! The adventure begins "is a documentary that premieres on national day circuit 14/12 Next Friday, 1 December at 8:30 pm, the Director of the Cannes Film Festival, Thierry Frémaux, will be on the Cultural reserve, in São Domingos, for the premiere of your film's release "Lumière! The Adventure Begins ", distributed by Imovision. The session … Read more

Second Edition of ICAE

2International Congress of art Expertise (ICAE 2018). Registration open until 30/11/17 - LIMITED PLACES.

International Congress of art Expertise to Givoa Consulting SRL, first company art experts of the region presents the launch of the second edition of the ICAE. This international event will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro the day 24 March 2018 at the Windsor Barra Hotel. Declarado de Interesse Cultural pelo MinistérioRead more

Weekend will be free performances at the Conservatory of MUSIC

Free brazilian music presentations make the shows next weekend, the Conservatory of MUSIC of Curitiba, a great option for the cultural curitibanos. On Saturday (25), at noon, the wind-based Orchestra, led by Sergio Albach, brings new arrangements for the main achievements of Pixinguinha, and on Sunday (26), to … Read more

Practical Course: Conservation and restoration of Painting On Easel

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes practical course: Conservation and Restoration of Easel Painting Methodology: The didactics of NAR-Arts core, Conservation and restoration, is the presentation of expository lectures, with Power Point presentations and practical lessons. O conteúdo engloba e aborda os procedimentos adotados no restauro de pinturas sobreRead more

Show "the dance" premieres this Thursday at Cleon Jacques

The Modulated Theatrical research group (MPT) premiere this week the play "the Homecoming". The show is inspired by the movie of the same name from Italian Director Ettore Scolla and has other influences, How Almodóvar and Fellini. The show portrays small fragments of the characters who frequent the same ball, called “Kanaã”, onde cada um carrega nosRead more

“Here or there?” The enchantment and the learnings of storytelling

Soiree in the House of culture of Chennai, in 10 of december, brings together young people to tell stories-dilemma after four months of training in day 10 of december, 30 teenagers will be on the scene to show things that have prepared hard over four months. Após curso de narração de histórias com os atores Cristiana CeschiRead more

Feast of the Rosary and other attractions of the black awareness month move the historic centre this Sunday

The feast of the Rosary, with the traditional washing of the staircases of the former Church of the Rosary of black men of Saint Benedict, is the high point of the black Awareness Month programming in Curitiba. The party will be held next Sunday (19/11), from 9:30, with an act of interfaith dialogue in the interior of the Church, onde representantes dasRead more

Ponteio presents Shows uniting fashion and Design-FUMEC decoration (14 to 21/11)

New looks, creativity, renewal and innovation. This is the concept of the show to be held Design FUMEC between 14 to 21 November, at Ponteio Lar Shopping. Fashion and decoration unite to present to the market a group of future professionals of design in these two segments. O evento é uma realização aRead more

Music Project, music lessons in school contraturno

Regionals Cajuru and Tatuquara offer music lessons for children and adolescents in school contraturno. The classes are part of the project Set, starting this semester and until the end of 2018 will reach all the city regional. A ação de descentralização do Conservatório de MPB visa intensificar o desenvolvimento infanto-juvenilRead more

Maria Carpi launches unprecedented title of poems

Preceded by morning and afternoon seminar, autograph session takes place on the day 11 November in Porto Alegre book fair "the duration engenders duration and caleja eyes and ears with the transience among reeds, between fingers, between tits and eyelashes. But all that is beautiful is ephemeral. O eterno éRead more
