Group virtual exhibition “Admirable Woman” – Lotus Gallery, by Rosângela Vig

Figure 1 - Sandra Rozados pays tribute to her mother and actress Zezé Mota.

Fall asleep with the music of life. Be enchanted. Forget it. Dispersion is a pleasure. Don't want to be you. Want to be the infinite soul of everything. Exchange your short human dream for the immortal dream. The only. The misery of being afraid wins. Swap yourself for the Unknown. don't you see then, that he is bigger? Not … Read more

Art Wall of Shopping Leblon will receive the artist Gabriela Machado in celebration of the International Women's Day

Gabriela Machado, Art Wall. Photo: Disclosure.

The guest will be the first woman to be part of the art gallery of the Rio de Janeiro enterprise, February 2021– To celebrate International Women's Day, Shopping Leblon will receive the artist Gabriela Machado. The painter and sculptor will be the first female artist to join the Art Wall gallery, from day 02 from march to day 30 the same month, presenting the public with a new look at nature within the painting. … Read more

Tomorrow the museum has special activities to reflect on the International Women's Day

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

Institution promotes the third edition of the "Girls 10 years ”with debates about the female presence in the city How many streets in our city are named after female names? How many monuments dedicated to women? This Saturday, day 7, the Museum of Tomorrow starts the programming of the International Women's Day with the … Read more

Documentary "Women" gives voice to two thousand women 50 countries and debut in March as a tribute to women around the world

From the same director of the hit documentary “Human - A Journey Through Life” and author of the bestselling photography “A Terra Vista do Céu”, Yann Arthus-Bertrand and journalist Anastasia Mikova, WOMAN opens in theaters on the day 12 March. The documentary Woman (2019) portrays with extreme delicacy through reports from women around the world … Read more

Women Pioneers are the subject of guided tour on Saturday at the Municipal Cemetery

With the theme "Women Pioneering" researcher Clarissa Grassi will drive, in the morning on Saturday (10/3), guided tour in the Municipal Cemetery of Curitiba. The action marks the International Women's Day and the script in the necropolis will present the trajectory of women who played important roles in the history of Curitiba. According to … Read more

Photo exhibition portrays the woman and her place in the World

This Tuesday (6/3), in celebration of international women's day, the Museum of the City of Curitiba Photography receive the new exhibition by Brazilian photographer based in Switzerland Gabriel Bonfim. The show highlights the issue of women and their place in the world. The show received the title "M", as a reference and WOMAN, also, to … Read more

educational exhibition project "Experimentation and method - engraving workshop of Inga" carries special program for International Women's Day

"Woman's place is in the art" is the central theme of the event will discuss the presence of women in Brazilian art and museum collections Event is part of the exhibition that marks 40 years of the workshop led by artist Anna Letycia, who designed many artists of the generation 80 and which became a hub … Read more

Vernissage Painting Exhibition, Dare… Dream! by Rosângela Vig

Be the tree that blooms That fruits and spreads on the floor. Let the hungry despojarem you. In your serene branches there are blooms eternal and all mouths they shall be satisfied (MEIRELES, 1995, song XX) The art always ventures, seeking new ways to talk to the soul, to arouse emotions and to awaken. This thought has always accompanied … Read more

Piano in focus in the chapel Santa Maria

Curitiba gets the week of 8 to 12 March 11th of Piano Professor. Edna Bassetti Habith with all programming at the piano. In honor of international women's day, the opening is scheduled for 4th fair, day 8 March, to 20 hours, conta com a participação de Danieli Longo para apresentação únicaRead more

On international women's day artist Christiana Guinle opens exhibition that debate the feminine in works produced in Iphone

After showing in Paris and Normandy, ' Décadence Noire "arrives at Rio de Janeiro and features urbanidades and expressionist portraits of fatal women that illustrate the female thought Décadence Noire" Exhibition Opening: on wednesday, 08 March Schedule: 19 horas Galeria Aliança Francesa Botafogo Curadoria: Nina Sales A atriz e artista plástica Christiana Guinle abre, day … Read more