Plastic artist is inspired by the moment the world lives to create art on fabrics

After shining on display in Paris, getting the silver medal for his works painted on his canvases, no “France Asia Cultures - the point of the arts”, earlier this year, long before the coronavirus pandemic disrupted the world, Leda Risse, this Brazilian by birth, but living there 20 years in Switzerland, encontra-seRead more

Curitiba NGO makes Classical Music Concerts available on the internet

#culturaemcasa In order to encourage the consumption of classical and instrumental music, and NGO Unicultura, dedicated to cultural projects, will broadcast the concert Bravíssimo - A Magia da Voz Humana, on your Facebook page the day 23 April, to 20 hours. Reconhecendo o potencial transformador da arte em nossa sociedade eRead more

Letter from ex-councilors and ex-cultural councilors of the Federal District

“License here to express a little more pessimism about the future of our sector, even though I really hope I'm wrong. If in the coming weeks there is indeed a huge increase in cases and deaths of Covid-19 in Brazil, as planned, there will be a significant change of behavior in society. This … Read more

During quarantine, Museum of Tomorrow launches virtual tour of the exhibition “Pratodomundo - Comida para 10 billion"

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

One year after inauguration, shows, which had more than 250 thousand visitors, will be available on the museum's social networks for three months from this Thursday, day 16 de abril Premiada com o Grand Prix de bronze na categoria Exposição temporária e com a marca de mais de 250 thousand visitors, Pratodomundo - Food for … Read more

#CasaMuseuEmCasa brings activities for children and lots of music

Through African art objects, furniture and furniture from Ema Klabin's collection, children will learn about art and mythology and have a lot of fun. Quem gosta de música não pode perder os shows incríveis no Canal do YouTube A Casa-Museu Ema Klabin, in Jardim Europa, in São Paulo, continua com sua programaçãoRead more

Quarantine Project: incentive to the production and sale of works during and according to quarantine conditions

Artists from all over the country were invited to propose works according to quarantine conditions. All works will be sold for the same amount and divided, also, among all, besides an extra quota being reverted to the emergency fund of Casa Chama, supporting trans people. São Paulo, April 2020 – … Read more

French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro offers francophone programming for the public to enjoy at home

Check out the AF's cultural tips, highlighting the film “Perdi Meu Corpo”, available on NETFLIX platform, the “3e Scène” project, virtual space of the Paris Opera, a French digital library Culturethèque, e a seleção de “História em quadrinhos” ou “bande dessinée” na França e muitas novidades e curiosidades sobre o universo das “BDs”Read more

Registration Closed – 1° National Hall of Visual Arts of the Quarantine - Virtual by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Once again, we found that when there is unity around a common goal, the results can only be positive, and this can be seen with the massive adhesion of plastic artists from all corners of the world to this unprecedented project for the benefit of the arts and artists, be those already known, like those who … Read more

"The power of art in times of crisis" by Edson Siquara

The importance of Beauty What is the relationship between a sense of freedom and beauty? In isolation times, with some freedom (no sense positive) to think, maybe we can get a foundation for human existence that can only be confirmardo by experience, even though it universal. [one_half] A ideia de que estamos passando porRead more

Free art project on Instagram stimulates create visual works on coronavirus and COVID-19

Was released, day 28 last March, no Instagram, the arteemtempodecoronavirus Project ( The goal is for visual artists, of any nationality or place of residence, to forward images of his own, with a brief comment 3 lines, on topics coronavirus and / or 19-Covidien, para o e-mail A ideia é que @s artistas plástic@sRead more
