Round Table: Choe U-ram's mobile statue gains attention on social media

Choe U-ram, artwork. Photo: Stanley tailor, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

The kinetic sculpture presents a provocative and thought-provoking narrative, sendo um sucesso no formato de vídeos curtos Se você tem passado tempo no Instagram Reels ou na for you page do TikTok tem grande chance de já ter se deparado com a obra Round Table do artista coreano Choe U-Ram. Construída a partir de umaRead more

Photographer gives tips for those who want to take the best night photos by cell phone

Tips for those who want to take the best night photos by cell phone. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Taking pictures by cell phone at night is a huge challenge. To get the best result, photographer Frederico Gomes gives some tips that can be within reach of any smartphone. Who has never been enchanted by a night sky and wanted to take a picture, Is not it? So that now, in the absence of professional equipment or having … Read more

Author surprises readers with social networks of the protagonist of her book

Book "Absent" of E. ride, cover - featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Ana Winter delivers a new experience to absentee readers and the book's eBook is free on Amazon Currently, face-to-face events are prevented from being carried out through the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes it difficult to publicize many national artists. However, looking for ways to add the experience of its readers to the created universe … Read more

Oscar D´Ambrosio – “The importance of social networks for artists in time of confinement”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Oscar D´Ambrosio. Photo: Disclosure.

Check out Oscar D´Ambrosio's tips to succeed in your social media posts. TIPS Six tips for the artist to deal with social networks in times of confinement. Words like novo coronavirus, COVID-19 and pandemic recently entered our vocabulary. Confinement was associated with prisons, never to stay … Read more

Abreu Fabiano receives Portuguese politician in 'Philosophical Table' and talks about the excessive use of social networks

On the Philosophical Table 'program this week, available via streaming the page Novum Channel, the philosopher Abreu Fabiano invited the lawyer, Councilman and former Mayor of Castelo de Paiva in Portugal, Paulo Teixeira Ramalheira, for a chat about the excessive use of social networks. Paulo Teixeira vê como algo positivo o advento das redesRead more

Philosopher brings ten tips to overcome loneliness and depression

The philosopher and writer Abreu Fabiano brings ten advice to overcome moments of loneliness and depression and have a fuller life Although we are increasingly connected, technological and tuned, we as a society increasingly individualistic, and isolated in our cubicles. The social phenomenon of the internet does not always translate into … Read more

Abreu Fabiano advocates the use of social networks and states that we need to adapt to new technologies

After publishing a column in a newspaper that tells about people who criticize social networks, the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, He decided to give an opinion on the subject. In column, journalist tells a story created by him in which a subject, adverse to … Read more

Time for the "Selfie" in the Culture room Leila Diniz

Fevers in social networks, the selfies turned exhibition theme in recent years, the selfies turned into a fever on the Internet. People love to take pictures of themselves in various situations, is at weddings, birthdays, or even simple meetings between friends. Thinking about it, the plastic artist Leonardo Santiago had the idea of ​​portraying … Read more